Thursday, March 14, 2013

Cocoa farmers’ to access farming practice via mobile phone

Cargill Ghana says it will provide 6,000 more Ghanaian cocoa farmers and community members with access to CocoaLink, a programme that uses mobile phone voice and SMS text messages to connect cocoa farmers with information about good farming practices, labour safety, and crop marketing.

The programme, to be officially implemented over the next coming months, was established in 2011 by the Ghana Cocoa Board in partnership with the World Cocoa Foundation (WCF)

Cargill explained that the programme has proven to be an effective tool in spreading knowledge and sharing good practices to help farmers increase yields and market farm products better -- which also increases incomes. 

It has reached 16,289 farmers in the past two years and its goal is to reach 100,000 by the end of 2013.

CocoaLink will reinforce what farmers have learned during training, increasing its effectiveness and bringing even greater benefits to farmers.  

WCF trainers will conduct training classes on the technology, with Ghana Cocoa Board providing the information that is shared with farmers.

CocoaLink is supported by Cargill in Ghana as part of its dedication to sustainable cocoa through the Cargill Cocoa Promise -- the company's commitment to make a difference to the lives of farmers and their communities while meeting the growing global demand for sustainable cocoa beans.

Cargill's commitment to CocoaLink is part of its cocoa promise, a commitment by the company to continue partnering with local governments, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), customers and farmer organisations, to make a difference in the lives of farmers and their communities and to create value for customers and business by securing better quality cocoa.  

Cargill continues to invest and provide financing, training and support to maintain and strengthen a sustainable cocoa supply chain in Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Cameroon, Vietnam, Indonesia and Brazil.  
Cargill is an international producer and marketer of food; agricultural, financial and industrial products and services. 

Founded in 1865, the privately-held company employs 142,000 people in 65 countries. Cargill helps customers succeed through collaboration and innovation, and is committed to applying its global knowledge and experience to help meet economic, environmental and social challenges wherever it does business

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