Ghana Gold’s Akyem project is to develop a framework for its Akyem
Development Foundation (NADeF) to help address the various developmental
challenges in communities affected by its activities.
Foundation will support both infrastructural and non-infrastructural
projects in some selected communities, upon the approval of the District
Assembly. Mr. Kim Hackney, Regional Project Director of Newmont was
speaking at the signing of the Akyem Social Responsible Forum (SRF)
agreement in New Abirem of the Birim North District of the Eastern
explained that SRF’s goal is targetted at drafting and implementing a
local employment agreement that would provide a framework for
communities in providing employment to the project-affected communities.
Hackney assured that the foundation will help with the funding of chosen
development projects and educational scholarship schemes. “Newmont’s
corporate social responsibility value is to engage and collaborate with
communities and the relevant government agencies, working proactively
together to mitigate projects impacts and create opportunities in the
project-affected communities.
“The SRF
was formed to be more actively engaged in the developmental planning of
community projects, working with a tripartite team consisting of
Newmont, the communities, and Birim North District Assembly to ensure
the rapid socio-economic development of this area,” he added.
Newmont’s Ahafo Mine and Akyem Project together have approximately 17.4
million equity ounces of proven and probable gold reserves --
representing about 20 percent of Newmont’s global equity reserves of
86.5 million ounces of gold as at the end of the 2008.
The board
of Newmont Mining Corporation last year approved funding for its
estimated 7.2 million ounces equity reserves, located in Akyem, expected
to start in early 2013.
project has about 15 years mining life and is expected to produce
between 480,000 and 550,000 ounces of gold annually for the first five
years of its operation.
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